Tender Before January 2015 Central Public Procurement Portal S. No.Tender CategoryTender TitleDate of PublishingDate of Closing 1 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Hollow Fiber Dialyzers (GEM/2024/B/5915127) 17-02-2025 17-02-2025 2 Global/Open Tender Procurement of IV Cannula Fixator Dressing 8.5 CM X 11.5 CM (GEM/2025/B/5870623) 27-01-2025 17-02-2025 3 Global/Open Tender Procurement of IV Cannula Fixator Dressing 7 CM X 6.5 CM (GEM/2025/B/5870662) 27-01-2025 17-02-2025 4 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Hollow Fiber Dialyzers (GEM/2025/B/5915127) 06-02-2025 17-02-2025 5 Global/Open Tender Information regarding cancellation of tender no. XX-161/SO(DO)/Microbiology/2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender ID: 2024_AIMSD_838549_1 AND RETENDER the item with revised specification and BoQ vide tender no. XX-192/SO(DO)/Microbiology/24-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender ID: 2025_AIMSD_844944_1 18-01-2025 18-02-2025 6 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Upright Bright Field Binocular Microscope (Lymphovascular microscope) for students – 30 Nos. for the Department of Anatomy at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-191/SO (DO)/Anat./2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_844740_1 16-01-2025 18-02-2025 7 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Microplate Multimode Reader – 01 No. for the Department of Anatomy at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-188/SO (DO)/Anat./2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_844426_1 14-01-2025 18-02-2025 8 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Suction Catheter (A) (P) (GEM/2025/B/5900412) 05-02-2025 20-02-2025 9 Global/Open Tender Information regarding procurement of 101 Printed Hindi Book for B.B. Dikshit Library AIIMS New Delhi-110029, through GeM portal bid no. GEM/2025/B/5894839 01-02-2025 21-02-2025 10 Global/Open Tender Information regarding corrigendum of some amendments of technical specification & dates of tender has been extended of tender no. XX-179/SO(DO)/Anat./2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender ID: 2024_AIMSD_843710_1) 08-02-2025 21-02-2025 11 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Ultramicrotome – 01 No. for the Department of Anatomy at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-163/SO (DO)/Anat./2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_845297_1 20-01-2025 21-02-2025 12 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Fully Automated Drug Assay Analyzer or Fully Automated Biochemistry Analyzer with Online UPS 5 KVA for Laboratory NDDTC 01-02-2025 24-02-2025 13 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Hematology Analyzer Five Part for Laboratory NDDTC 01-02-2025 24-02-2025 14 Global/Open Tender Purchase of -20 degree Deep Freezer-01 no. against Tender no. 152/CNC/CP/2024-25/st. GeM bid no. GEM/2024/B/5761127 dated 30.01.2025 End date: 22.02.2025 for department of Cardiac Pathology, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-110029 01-02-2025 24-02-2025 15 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Fully Automated Clinical chemistry analyzer Standalone or integrated with Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay analyzer (ECLIA) or other immunoassay system with UPS backup for Laboratory NDDTC 31-01-2025 24-02-2025 16 Global/Open Tender Proposal for purchase of Portable ECG Machine- 05 Nos. for various departments of Main Hospital at AIIMS New Delhi (GEM/2025/B/5865126) 03-02-2025 24-02-2025 17 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Modular Multipara Monitor with Integrated Automating Charting System Up-gradable for ICU Monitoring System-61Nos. + Central Stations-03 Nos.. for the department of Cardiology (CNC) at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 (GeM bid No.GEM/2025/B/5869669 Dated: 25-01-2025, End Dt. 24.02.2025. Pre-bid is on 06.02.2025 at 12.00 Noon). ) Tender No.172/CNC/Cardio/2024-25/St. 25-01-2025 24-02-2025 18 Global/Open Tender Procurement of "Mosquito Repellent Refill; Qty- 25,000 Nos." against Bid No. GEM/2025/B/5879965 on GeM Portal. 06-02-2025 25-02-2025 19 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Digital PET/CT on Buy back basis – 01 No. for the Department of Nuclear Medicine at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-195/SO (DO)/N.M./2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_845775_1 23-01-2025 25-02-2025 20 Global/Open Tender Information regarding corrigendum of revised technical specification & dates of tender has been extended of tender no. XX-173/SO(DO)/Path/2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender ID: 2025_AIMSD_842700_1) 11-02-2025 25-02-2025 21 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Various Consumable Items (L.V. Vent) on One year Rate Contract Basis and further extendable upto 01 years 11-02-2025 25-02-2025 22 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Tracheostomy Tube (Adult) (GEM/2025/B/5915295) 26-02-2025 26-02-2025 23 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Threeway Stopcock 100cm & 10cm (GEM/2024/B/4695328) () 27-02-2024 26-02-2025 24 Global/Open Tender Seminar room setup for Neurosciences centre 17-02-2025 26-02-2025 25 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Various Consumable Items (L.V. Vent) on One year Rate Contract Basis and further extendable upto 01 years 17-02-2025 26-02-2025 26 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Tracheostomy Tube (A) (GEM/2025/B/5915295) 06-02-2025 26-02-2025 27 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Automatic Benchtop Centrifugal Solvent Evaporator with 5KVA online UPS at NDDTC_002 06-02-2025 27-02-2025 28 Proprietary Tender Procurement of Non Invasive Cardiac Output Monitor 12-02-2025 27-02-2025 29 Proprietary Tender Procurement of EBUS-Radial Probe 12-02-2025 27-02-2025 30 Proprietary Tender Procurement of Ventana Automated IHC 12-02-2025 27-02-2025 31 Proprietary Tender Procurment of Single Ballon Enteroscopy System 12-02-2025 27-02-2025 32 Proprietary Tender Procurment of Duodena Video scope (Therapetutic) 12-02-2025 27-02-2025 33 Global/Open Tender Procurement of "Tissue Paper Roll; Qty- 1,50,000 Nos." against Bid No. GEM/2025/B/5922743 on GeM Portal. 08-02-2025 28-02-2025 34 Global/Open Tender 165/SO(DO)/R.B./2024-25/M&E 17-02-2025 28-02-2025 35 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Consumables Biopsy Forceps for Flexible Scope- Qty. 1500 Nos. for Department of ENT, through GeM Portal bid o. GEM/2025/B/5922526) 08-02-2025 03-03-2025 36 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Blood Collection Tubes at Dr. BRAIRCH - 300000 nos. 11-02-2025 04-03-2025 37 Global/Open Tender Information regarding cancellation of tender no. XX-143/SO(DO)/Gastro/2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender ID: 2024_AIMSD_834341_1 and RE-TENDER the same re-floated vide tender no. XX-200/SO(DO)/Gastro/24-25/M&E(CPP Portal tender ID: 2025_AIMSD_847461_1) purchase of Electrogastrography System – 01 no. for the department of Gastroenterology 04-02-2025 06-03-2025 38 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Automated Slide Printer-01 No. for Department of Neuropathology, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29. (GEM bid No.: GEM/2025/B/5899342 dated 07/02/2025 with end date 07/03/2025) Tender No.: 129/CNC/NP/2024-25/St 16-02-2025 07-03-2025 39 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Digital ECMO – 01 No. for the Department of Pediatric Surgery at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-196/SO (DO)/Pead.Surg./2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_848126_1 07-02-2025 07-03-2025 40 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Sterile Guaze 30cm x 30cm (GEM/2024/B/4723243) 09-03-2024 08-03-2025 41 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Blood Sample Collection Tubes (P.T. Tube), 2.7ml -.5,50,000 Nos. (GEMC/2024/B/4724096) 09-03-2024 08-03-2025 42 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Precision Water Bath for Laboratory NDDTC 17-02-2025 10-03-2025 43 Global/Open Tender Purchase of UBE Key Hole Surgery Set-02nos. tender uploaded on GeM vide Bid no. GEM/2025/B/5898186 dated 01.02.2025 Pre-bid 11.02.2025 End date: 08.03.2025 Tender no. 161/CNC/NS/2024-25/st. for department of Neurosurgery, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29 01-02-2025 10-03-2025 44 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Gel Imaging Analysis System – 01 No. for the Department of Anatomy at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-201/SO (DO)/Anat./2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_848325_1 10-02-2025 11-03-2025 45 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Full Field Tomosynthesis Digital Mammography System against buyback and turnkey basis – 01 No. for the Department of Radio-diagnosis at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-189/SO (DO)/R.D./2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_845991_1 24-01-2025 11-03-2025 46 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Digital Subtraction Angiography ( Single Plane) System against buy-back and turnkey basis – 01 No. for the Department of Radio-diagnosis at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-190/SO (DO)/R.D./2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_846004_1 Date of Uploading 24-01-2025 11-03-2025 47 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Tinnitometer -01No. for Department of ENT, through GeM Portal bid o. GEM/2025/B/5948698) 14-02-2025 11-03-2025 48 Global/Open Tender Cytocentrifuge (01 Set) 10-02-2025 12-03-2025 49 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Three Dimensional Endoscopy System-02 nos. tender uploaded on CPP portal ID: 2025_AIMSD_848203_1 dated 07.02.2025 Pre-bid meeting 14.02.2025 at 01.30pm Bid end date: 11.03.2025 for department of Neurosurgery, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-110029 07-02-2025 12-03-2025 50 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Surgical Navagation System (Buyback-01no.)-01 no. tender uploaded on CPP portal vide ID: 2025_AIMSD_848153_1 dated 07.02.2025 Pre-bid meeting date 14.02.2025 at 02.00 pm Bid submission end date 11.03.2025 for department of Neurosurgery, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-110029 07-02-2025 12-03-2025 51 Global/Open Tender Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning (SITC) of “Digital Subtraction Angiography System (Single Plane Cardio-Vascular Catheterization and Digital Subtraction Angiography Laboratory High End-3D) on turnkey & buy-back basis-01No. for the department of Cardiology (CNC) at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 ( CPP tender ID No.2025_AIMSD_848710_1 Dated 11.02.2025, Pre-bid is on 20.02.2025 at 3.00 p.m. Submission closed on 17.03.2025 at 4.00 p.m.) Tender No.162/CNC/Card/2024-25/St. 15-02-2025 17-03-2025 52 Global/Open Tender Purchase of IABP Catheter on One year Rate Contract Basis and further extendable upto 01 years 17-02-2025 18-03-2025 53 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Trinocular Compound Phase Contrast Microscope (with Camera, Imaging System) – 08 Nos. for the Department of Pathology at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-203/SO (DO)/Path/2024-25/M&E (CPP Portal tender 2025_AIMSD_848662_1 11-02-2025 18-03-2025 54 Global/Open Tender "> Procurement of Cautery Pencil – 30,000 Nos. (GEM/2024/B/4607262) 30-09-2024 25-03-2025 55 Global/Open Tender Purchase of CT Scanner 256 slice on buy-back & turnkey basis-01No. for the department of NI&INR (CNC) at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 (CPP tender ID No.2025_AIMSD_849464_1 Dated 15.02.2025, Pre-bid is on 24.02.2025 at 3.00 p.m. Submission closed on 25.03.2025 at 4.00 p.m.) Tender No.142/CNC/NI&INR/2024-25/St. 15-02-2025 25-03-2025 56 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Biplane Flat Panel DSA with 3D Rotational Angiography on turnkey & buy-back basis-01No. for the department of NI&INR (CNC) at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 (CPP tender ID No.2025_AIMSD_849469_1 Dated 15.02.2025, Pre-bid is on 24.02.2025 at 3.00 p.m. Submission closed on 25.03.2025 at 4.00 p.m.) Tender No.146/CNC/NI&INR/2024-25/St. 15-02-2025 25-03-2025 57 Global/Open Tender Purchase of 3 Tesla MRI System for Gamma Knife on buy-back & turnkey basis-01No. for the department of NI&INR (CNC) at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 (CPP tender ID No.2025_AIMSD_849470_1 Dated 15.02.2025, Pre-bid is on 24.02.2025 at 4.15 p.m. Submission closed on 25.03.2025 at 4.00 p.m.) Tender No.143/CNC/NI&INR/2024-25/St. 15-02-2025 25-03-2025 58 Global/Open Tender Purchase of CSESet (GEM/2024/B/4818446) 02-04-2024 02-04-2025 59 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Endotracheal Tubes or Reinforced Endotracheal Tube Plain (GEM/2024/B/4827688) 02-04-2024 02-04-2025 60 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Nasal Cannula (GEM/2024/B/4846738) 08-04-2024 08-04-2025 61 Global/Open Tender Purchase of HME Filter (Adult) (GEM/2024/B/4832918) 22-04-2024 22-04-2025 62 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Surgical Drapes - Disposable (GEM/2024/B/4908291) 03-05-2024 03-05-2025 63 Global/Open Tender Purchase of Blood Collection Tube K2 EDTA 6ml (GEM/2024/B/5154636) 16-07-2024 15-07-2025 64 Short rate enquiry Procurement of Reagents HbA1c Analyzer on proprietary basis for CRHSP-Ballabgarh 07-01-2025 20-07-2025 65 Global/Open Tender High End GPU Based Laptop 13-09-2024 04-09-2025 66 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Surgical Gown (GEM/2024/B/5311594) 21-08-2024 04-09-2025 67 Global/Open Tender Procurement of Ligation Clip Large (5-13 mm) qty 4,000 Cartridge 15-10-2024 15-10-2025 68 Global/Open Tender of Cardiac Monitor (Mid End) for NCA 30-08-2022 20-09-2027